Some of the main activities and results that have been obtained during the first stage of our grant can be summarized bellow:

  • The main hardware security techniques used at present were reviewed and analyzed and the most suitable technique for incorporation in the selected multimedia modules was selected.
  • New computational structures were developed within new VLSI algorithms that were used for:
    • Efficient VLSI implementation of several key modules used in multimedia applications
    • Efficient incorporation of hardware security techniques known as Obfuscation techniques
  • Adequate computational structures have been found within new VLSI algorithms in which only small integers are used and that allow an efficient implementation of multiplication circuits
  • Efficient restructuring techniques have been developed for the algorithms used for the selected multimedia modules to highlight the respective computational structures.

Articles in ISI journals: 2

  • D.F. Chiper, “A Structured Fast Algorithm for the VLSI Pipeline Implementation of Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform,” Vol.:(0123456789) Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, April, 2021, Impact factor: 2.22 (2020)
  • D.F. Chiper, L-T. Cotorobai, “A New Approach for a Unified Architecture for Type IV DCT/DST with an Efficient Incorporation of Obfuscation Technique ,” Electronics 2021 10(14) 1656; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10141656; Impact factor: 2.39 (2020)

Articles in ISI conference proceedings: 2

  • D.F. Chiper, A. Cracan, “An Efficient Algorithm for the VLSI Implementation of the Inverse DST Based on Quasi-Band Correlation Structures”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2021, Iași, România
  • D.F. Chiper, L.-T. Cotorobai, “An Efficient Algorithm for the VLSI Implementation of Inverse DCT Based on Quasi-Circular Correlation Structures”, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications, TELSIKS 2021, Niš, Serbia

Articles in conference proceedings: 1

  • D.F. Chiper, „Un Nou Algoritm Bazat pe Numere Intregi pentru o Implementare VLSI Eficientă a Transformatei DST utilizând Obfuscation Technique”, A XVI – a ediție a Conferinței Zilele Academiei de Științe Tehnice din România (ASTR) 2021

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